Friday, March 16, 2018

The Beauty of the Staircase

One of the most fascinating aspects of architecture for me is finding staircases.  A good staircase is always a joy to find and photograph.  This is my latest edit from this ongoing project, taking the staircase project to 172 now uploaded into the project gallery. 

I love this circa early 1970s staircase, there are so many layers of materials going on.  The terrazzo stairs themselves, and the aluminium bars that really are a dramatic feature.   The original door and light fittings also provide originality and visual joy.  

If you would like to hear more about my love of staircases and why I enjoy photographing them you can check out an interview I did for the ABC here:

And view the entire ongoing project on my website here

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About the project

Join me (Thomas Ryan Photography) on a photographic project documenting Tasmanian 20th Century Modernism from the 1930's to the 1980's. The entire project gallery of 1000+ images and counting can be viewed on my website under art projects. I have been undertaking this project for over a decade.

My portfolio of commercial and art projects can be seen on my website and I can be contacted here as well. All photographs are copyright of Thomas Ryan Photography. Unauthorised use is prohibited. Contact me for all enquires

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