The now empty Government Printing Authority Art Deco building (1954), threatened with demolition as part of the proposed redevelopment
Both buildings reflect social and architectural aspirations of the mid 20th century. They are excellent examples of their respective Art Deco and Brutalist styles. Demolition of both buildings would deny future generations the chance to truly appreciate Hobart's diversity of architectural styles.
Demolishing these buildings in the heart of what is effectively the CBD of Hobart, and replacing them would arguably heighten demands for prime commercial office space in central Hobart. Both buildings are situated in prime business locations. They could be converted (especially the now empty Printing Authority Building) into commercial and/or residential use, helping to maintain a vibrant CBD, whilst demonstrating how adaptive reuse can help minimise the effects of urban sprawl.

10 Murray Street - demolition or adaptive reuse?
Both buildings demonstrate an important link to Hobart's rich 20th Century architecture and retaining both buildings is vital in maintaining a city rich in all periods of architecture.
I believe the core objectives of the development proposal would still be achievable by retaining 10 Murray Street Government Office building and the Former Printing Authority of Tasmania.
Written representations can be made by the public until 10th Feburay, 2010.
"These applications are being re-advertised as additional information has been received by the Authority. The applications can be inspected at the Authority’s office at 5 Franklin Wharf, Hobart between 9am and 5pm weekdays. The application material can also be viewed on the Authority’s web site at www.waterfront.tas.gov.au. Any person may make a representation in relation to an application by writing to the Chief Executive Officer at GPO Box 2114, Hobart, 7001 or by emailing info@waterfront.tas.gov.au. Representations should be received by 4pm, Wednesday 10 February 2010"
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