Saturday, February 15, 2014

Boags Brewery - Industrial Launceston

Boags Brewery in Launceston, Tasmania is has a wonderful diversity of 20th Century Modernist structures in what is a vast complex that takes up an entire block.  This section dates around circa 1960s with its aliminum windows allowing the passer by to gain glimpses of the brew being made within.

1 comment:

  1. You can tell how good a city is by the quality of its beer. Boags seemed to make delicious beer, icy cold. I would certainly go into the brewery for a taste (if allowed).


About the project

Join me (Thomas Ryan Photography) on a photographic project documenting Tasmanian 20th Century Modernism from the 1930's to the 1980's. The entire project gallery of 1000+ images and counting can be viewed on my website under art projects. I have been undertaking this project for over a decade.

My portfolio of commercial and art projects can be seen on my website and I can be contacted here as well. All photographs are copyright of Thomas Ryan Photography. Unauthorised use is prohibited. Contact me for all enquires

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